Today I am celebrating the release of my picture book, Dragonella. It was released today. Here is the summary on the jacket:
"Dragonella is the only dragon at her new school. Other students - trolls, griffins, and ogres - are frightened when she breathes fire. The teacher isn't happy when Dragonella's laughter melts the filing cabinet. But when Dragonella's flames save the day during the class party on Legend Day, the teacher and other students learnt they shouldn't be quick to judge someone who is different."
For those who are interested in the paperback, here is the LINK. Needless to say, I am quite excited about this.
Celebrate the Small Things is a blog hop co-hosted by Lexa Cain at: Lexa Cain, L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge , and Tonja Drecker @ Tidbits Blog. You can go to any of these sites to add your name to the links, if you want to participate.
I know many if you participate in NaNoWriMo each year. I've always stood in awe of anyone who can knock out a draft in a month. I tried to participate once, but had to give up. Are you planning to participate this year? Are you celebrating something else about writing? Or are you celebrating special family holiday plans and events?