Sunday, September 5, 2021

New Developments

 One of these days I'll be able to write a post again where I am not reporting bad news. Recently we had another death in the famiy (one of my husband's brothers — so we've been on "WhatsApp" a lot with scattered family), and I also learned that the fall had done more damage to my shoulder than I had thought. I posted this on Facebook, but realized this morning I should do so here as well to expain why I'm not posting much lately. I'm also posting this on both blogs. 

I have an appointment with an orthopedic specialist this Friday about my shoulder — last week had more Xrays taken. I should learn more Friday about whethr surgery or physical therapy is the future.

Other updates: The cataract surgery went very well and Friday I'll have one last check before my opthomologist writes a new prescription. (Here in Braga, the same doctor is both opthamologist and optometrist, which I kinda like.)

Despite all of the above, I've been writing on my book, and I have about 6 chapters left to the end before I rewrite it and send it to my beta readers.

I hope all who stop by are having a good week filled with good activities and good news.

Take care and stay well.


Mirka Breen said...

Here are some healing thoughts coming your way, Elizabeth. Falls are so discouraging, but you got up.
And writing is part of the medicine.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Thanks for such lovely thoughts, Mirka. Such a nice way to put things. Have a great week.

Rosi said...

Sorry to hear about your loss and about your shoulder, but how nice that you have doctors you trust taking care of you. Sending healing thoughts your way. Happy writing!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So sorry to read that your shoulder is in worse shape than you initially thought, but it is good to read your cataract surgery has gone well and you are still writing. My well wishes are with you as you face this latest obstacle.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Thanks, Rosi, for stopping by. The loss was Rajan's brother in Raleigh, who lost his wife about a year and a half ago. So sad. Thanks for the healing thoughts. Yes, we are happy so far with the doctors here and feel we've gotten very good attention.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Elizabeth (and Bleubeard) thanks for all the good wishes. I'm thinking this will be very manageable. Meanwhile, yes,I'm glad the cataract surgery went well and thank goodness I've been able to keep writing! I will be over to see your latest art project soon.